If you want Congress to Represent YOU
 instead of Special Interests
READ the
to the
If you agree with ANY of these Amendments
Write or Email your Governor and State Legislators and tell them you want to VOTE
on each of the Citizen Amendments to the United States Constitution
TOC Top Intro Reason for Amendments
State Servants of WE THE PEOPLE
District of Columbia
Alabama Connecticut Illinois Maine Montana North Carolina Rhode Island Vermont
Alaska Delaware Indiana Maryland Nebraska North Dakota South Carolina Virginia
Arizona Florida Iowa Massachusetts Nevada Ohio South Dakota Washington
Arkansas Georgia Kansas Michigan New Hampshire Oklahoma Tennessee West Virginia
California Hawaii Kentucky Minnesota New Jersey Oregon Texas Wisconsin
Colorado Idaho Louisiana Mississippi New Mexico Pennsylvania Utah Wyoming
Missouri New York
Federal Servants of the States and of WE THE PEOPLE
United States House of Representatives US House Members
United States Senate US Senate Members
United States President US President


Copy of Citizen Amendments Letter June 6, 2006 Citizen Amendment Comments  
Copy of Citizen Amendments - Rev 01

June 6, 2006

Citizen Amendment Comments  
Copy of Apartheid Letter

November 24, 2006

Apartheid Comments
Copy of Will the States Standup Letter

February 5, 2007

Will the States Standup Comments  
Copy of Will the Nations Standup Letter March 12, 2007 Will the Nations Standup Comments  
Copy of Will the Candidates-2010 Standup Letter August 31, 2010 Will the Candidates-2010 Standup Comments  
Copy of Citizen Amendments - Rev 02 August 24, 2011 Citizen Amendment Comments  

There has never been a Citizen vote on adding Amendments to the United States Constitution, but I believe that the Declaration of Independence gives the Citizens this right. Surely if the United States can justify spending Billions of Dollars to give the Iraqi Citizens the right to vote on their constitution, there should be no question as to whether the United States Citizens have that same right.

Even if a special election is needed, its cost will be peanuts compared to the Billions of dollars being spent to give the Iraqi Citizens the right to vote.

TOC Top Intro Reason for Amendments
Citizen Amendments to the United States Constitution - 08/21/2011
It has been 7 score and twice 4 years ago that Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address. He ended it by stating that we must be dedicated to the task of ensuring that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth. We are once again faced with a crisis from within due to our government representing special interest groups instead of the people. We must restore government by the people and end government by special interest groups if our government is not to perish from the earth.
To ensure that our government does not perish from the earth, the following Citizen Amendments must be ratified and become a part of the Constitution of the United States. They shall become a part of the Constitution immediately after Two-Thirds of the qualified people, who vote, in Three-Fourths of the states ratify them, or after Two-Thirds of the qualified people in some of the states, who vote, and the other states call a convention and ratify them by a Two-Thirds vote, giving a total of Three-Fourths of the states having ratified the amendments. There shall be no time limit imposed for the ratification of these amendments.
The authority for ratifying the constitution by a vote of the people is derived from the Declaration of Independence which states: “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
It would be better if Congress or the States exercised their duties and amended the constitution, but since they have a vested interest in maintaining the Status Quo they sit idly by as our government flounders. It is my hope that the governors and legislatures of the various states take the initiative to ensure that these amendments are on the November ballots so that the Citizens can vote for or against them now rather than later.
Citizens do not be misled by promises for the future. I once had a wise manager who, when I was complaining about the company not living up to its promises, told me to put the company promises in one hand and a bird in the other and see which one fills up the fastest.
 TOC Top Intro Reason for Amendments
Reason for the Citizen Amendments
Our founding fathers apparently assumed that our government would always represent WE THE PEOPLE and did not include any safeguards in the constitution to hold elected officials accountable to the people. This makes it easy for outside interests to infiltrate our government one elected official at a time until it is powerful enough to take control of the political party or parties. Since the political parties determine the rules for selecting candidates and the actual candidates, we are really only voting for candidates whom the political parties deem acceptable to them. This is borne out by the fact that no matter whom you vote for, the special interest groups and the political parties are represented and not the people. Some will argue that several of these amendments should be laws enacted by Congress and not a part of the Constitution. This would be true if Congress were representing the people instead of the special interest groups.
These amendments may not be perfect, but neither is the United States Constitution, so do not modify any of them. They can be amended later if need be.
Please ensure that all the Citizens eligible to vote are allowed to vote for or against the following Citizen Amendments.
TOC Top Intro Reason for Amendments
Table of Contents
Top of Page
Introduction to the Citizen Amendments
Reason for the Citizen Amendments
Citizen Amendment  1 – Land of Palestine Settlement
Citizen Amendment  2 – Foreign Affairs
Citizen Amendment  3 – States Rights
Citizen Amendment  4 – Immigration/Citizenship
Citizen Amendment  5 – Supreme Court
Citizen Amendment  6 – Elected Official Citizenship
Citizen Amendment  7 – Elected and Appointed Officials
Citizen Amendment  8 – Bill Requirements
Citizen Amendment  9 – Congressional Record
Citizen Amendment 10 – Congressional Remuneration
Citizen Amendment 11 – State Responsibilities
Citizen Amendment 12 – Balanced Budget
Citizen Amendment 13 – Taxes
Citizen Amendment 14 – Government Agencies
Citizen Amendment 15 – Equal Justice under the Law
Citizen Amendment 16 – Double Jeopardy
Citizen Amendment 17 – Property Rights
Citizen Amendment 18 – Limited Resources
Citizen Amendment 19 – Freedom of Information
Citizen Amendment 20 – Freedom of Speech
Citizen Amendment 21 – Health and Welfare
Citizen Amendment 22 – Media
Citizen Amendment 23 – Copyrights and Patents
Citizen Amendment 24 – Financial Institutions
Citizen Amendment 25 – No-Bid Contracts
Citizen Amendment 26 – Privacy
Citizen Amendment 27 – Pensions
Citizen Amendment 28 – Official Language
Citizen Amendment 29 – People Responsibility
Citizen Amendment 30 – Drug Usage
Citizen Amendment 31 – Right to Bear Arms
Citizen Amendment 32 – Religion
Citizen Amendment 33 – State Initiatives
Citizen Amendment 34 – Restore the US Senators to be Representatives of the States
Citizen Amendment 35 – Repeal the Income Tax Amendment
  TOC Top Intro Reason for Amendments
Reason for Citizen Amendment 1
In writing this, I think that I must feel the same way that Desmond Tutu felt when he wrote his article Apartheid in the Holy Land which appeared in The Guardian on Monday April 29, 2002. It included the following:
“But you know as well as I do that, somehow, the Israeli government is placed on a pedestal [in the US], and to criticise it is to be immediately dubbed anti-semitic, as if the Palestinians were not semitic. I am not even anti-white, despite the madness of that group. And how did it come about that Israel was collaborating with the apartheid government on security measures?
People are scared in this country [the US], to say wrong is wrong because the Jewish lobby is powerful - very powerful. Well, so what? For goodness sake, this is God's world! We live in a moral universe. The apartheid government was very powerful, but today it no longer exists. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Pinochet, Milosevic, and Idi Amin were all powerful, but in the end they bit the dust.”
It is easy to conclude that the first special interest group to infiltrate the United States Government is the political Zionist movement. An Austrian journalist by the name of Theodor Herzl developed political Zionism to promote the recognition of a Jewish claim to a Palestine homeland. In 1897 he organized the movement on a worldwide scale at the First Zionist Congress which met in Basel Switzerland. Its intended purpose was to make Palestine an independent Jewish state. At this time about 25,000 Jews lived in Palestine, estimates place this at 6 to 7% of the total population. On July 22, 1946, the 183rd day of the Nuremburg Trials, the Zionist were around 800,000 strong and under the leadership of David Ben-Gurion an immigrant from Russia, they begin to use terrorism against Britain. As a result of this, Britain turned their mandate for Palestine over to the United Nations. The United Nations in turn adopted a plan to divide the Palestine land into an Arab state, a Jewish state, and to make Jerusalem International property. Due to disagreements with the UN Mandated boundaries, the Middle East poses a more serious threat to world peace than any other place in the world. Iraq was forced back to its International Borders. Why is Israel not being forced back to its International Borders? Why did President Bush say that it will be OK for Israel to determine its own Borders? Israel already has Borders; they like Iraq did not like their Borders and expanded beyond them. Does the United States have the right to authorize the taking of land from one people and giving it to another? If the Mexicans express displeasure about their Border with the United States will they be accorded this same option?
For the record, I use to support Israel, but because of their continued violations of International law, United Nations resolutions, and their refusal to allow the Palestine people to return to their land, homes, and livelihood, I believe that the Zionists have forfeited any rights they may have had to exist as the state of Israel. I now support the Palestine’s people’s claims to all the Palestine land as it existed in 1897.
This Amendment is of the utmost importance because the United States and many other countries of the world will never be safe and secure until this issue is settled in an International Court and without the influence of the United States.
Citizen Amendment 1 – Land of Palestine Settlement
The United States shall insure that an International Tribunal is setup to resolve all the conflicts concerning the Palestine Land from 1897 to the present. This shall remain the single highest priority of the United States Government until the International Tribunal is in operation.
This Jerusalem Tribunal shall be patterned after the Nuremberg Tribunal and it shall be under the auspices of the United Nations. This tribunal will sit in Judgment of ALL the contradictions and claims of the Zionists and the Palestine People. It shall do detailed investigations of all charges of shadow governments, massacres, the use of poisons, and the infiltration of other governments. Even if the affected parties choose not to participate, after a through investigation, the results of the Tribunal shall be final. The only involvement of the United States and any of its Citizens shall be to insure that a Tribunal is setup and to provide testimony if the Judges deem it necessary, any other involvement shall be a High Crime. Neither the United States nor its citizens shall be involved for the following reasons:
  1. President Truman with one hand had Atomic Bombs dropped on Japan to hasten the end of World War II and with the other hand at the urging of the Zionists, recognized the Zionist insurgency into Palestine as the state of Israel. The United States still supports this insurgency.

  2. The United States has provided missiles for Israel to deliver its Atomic bombs.
  3. The United States built a building on the International property of Jerusalem and plan to call it an Israeli Embassy.
  4. The United States has given Billions of dollars (some estimates place the total at over a Trillion dollars of United States Taxpayer Money which was spent with little or no accountability) in financial and military aid to Israel even though they are in violation of International law and United Nations resolutions, but the United States used these same reasons to make war with another Middle East country.
  5. The United States is imposing sanctions against the current elected government of Palestine because the Palestine leaders want their land back and will not recognize Israel.
  6. The United States demands that the Palestine people are not to have weapons to get their land back, but provides weapons to Israel to keep the Palestine people from getting their land back.
  7. The United States has made statements to the effect that Israel can set its own boundaries.
TOC Top Intro Reason for Amendments
Reason for Citizen Amendment 2
The United States Government has interfered in the internal affairs of other governments, and has refused to have a dialog with others. Neither of these is conducive to peace and a working relationship or a Democratic relationship that should be expected and required of a self-proclaimed democracy. What would the world be like if the United States took this attitude toward China or the former Soviet Union? How much more dangerous is Cuba than China? The United States has made statements to the effect that Preemptive strikes are legal. If Preemptive strikes are legal, why are the people who flew planes into the World Trade Center buildings being accused of a crime when the United States first attacked them with rockets? It seems as if the United States leaders are always threatening some people or calling them names. Is Old Europe just old, or is it Older and Wiser?
Citizen Amendment 2 – Foreign Affairs
It shall be a High Crime for the Government or any of its citizens to interfere in the internal affairs or make any efforts to change the government of any other country or peoples either directly or indirectly.
It shall be a High Crime for the Government or any of its citizens to contribute money or make In-kind contributions to another government or citizens of that government if the government is in violation of International Law.
It shall be a High Crime to do a Preemptive Strike against another country or peoples.
It shall be a Misdemeanor to refuse to talk to other countries for any reason.
International Laws and the Resolutions or Mandates, of any entity to which the United States belongs by a vote of the Senate, shall be enforced the same on all countries.
The United States, States, Territories, or their Citizens shall not provide aid of any kind to any country, state, or territory that has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty or who may have undeclared Weapons of Mass Destruction.
The above does not apply to Humanitarian aid given to a country if its need has been stated by an International body to which the United States is a member.
Congress shall define additional High Crimes and Misdemeanors as necessary.
TOC Top Intro Reason for Amendments
Reason for Citizen Amendment 3
Congress has shown over the years that it is unable or has no desire to control illegal entry into the United States.
Citizen Amendment 3 – States Rights
Each State, if it desires, shall have the right to determine its border security needs for controlling illegal entry. This can be done in conjunction with other states if desired. The United States Government shall provide the security and the needed funds unless rejected by a two-thirds vote in both houses. All the costs to the States which results or has resulted from illegal entry into the United States, including health care, and education shall be borne by the Federal Government.
TOC Top Intro Reason for Amendments
Reason for Citizen Amendment 4
Currently people enter our country illegally and have in the past been made legal residents. This has not solved the problem.
Currently companies hire illegal immigrants and the immigrants are arrested and returned to their country of origin, but nothing is done to the person or company that hired them. Some like ball club owners even aid them to enter the United States.
Currently there are various rules and regulations for obtaining United States Citizenship. Congress must make these rules uniform for all the peoples of the world that wish to immigrate to the United States.
Citizen Amendment 4 – Immigration/Citizenship
To be eligible for United States Citizenship by birth, you shall be born to a parent that has had at least one year of legal residence in the United States or will become a Legal United States Citizen within one year.
Congress shall make uniform immigration rules which shall apply equally to all the people of the world.
Any person that enters the country illegally shall not be allowed to become a citizen until they leave the country for at least one year and then enters legally, unless it can be shown that the person’s life would be endangered by so doing.
Any person or company that aids the entry of illegal immigrants shall be given prison time for each offense. Each illegal immigrant shall count as one offense.
Any person or company that hires illegal immigrants shall be given prison time for each offense. Each illegal immigrant hired shall count as one offense.
TOC Top Intro Reason for Amendments
Reason for Citizen Amendment 5
Currently the Supreme Court waits until someone is harmed by a law or rule before it takes any action. In a recent case a person spent four years in prison and then when the case reached the Supreme Court the person’s status was changed and the Court dropped the case. By doing this they have allowed the violators to hold other people in prison for four years and then change their status at the last minute. Is this Justice?
Citizen Amendment 5 – Supreme Court
Once the Supreme Court has accepted a case it shall follow it through to the end.
The Supreme Court shall reference only the United States Constitution, previous Supreme Court rulings, and Current United States Laws when making written opinions.
The Supreme Court shall be more proactive. When a government agency makes a ruling that may endanger the health of the Citizens, it shall ensure that the Justice Department takes immediate action to void the ruling. When people or companies publicly announce that they are going to violate the law, the Supreme Court shall ensure that the Justice Department prosecutes.
Whenever Congress passes a law that may cause harm to the citizens, the Supreme Court shall make a ruling on its constitutionality before it shall become law. This shall be done in an expedited manner. The Supreme Court shall decide the correct interpretation of all laws passed by Congress. The other courts shall use the Supreme Court interpretation.
TOC Top Intro Reason for Amendments
Reason for Citizen Amendment 6
Elected officials must owe their allegiance to only one country. In addition, the President must have been born a Citizen of the United States. Consider what happened when Lenin took control of Russia and what happened when Hitler took control of Germany.
Citizen Amendment 6 – Elected Official Citizenship
The President, Vice President, and anyone in line for the position of President shall have been born as Citizens of the United States and shall never have been a Dual Citizen.
Anyone except the President or those who could become President and has been a Dual citizen after the age of 21 shall not hold any elected or appointed office. They also shall not hold positions in the Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, or any Agencies created by Congress.
Former government officials, whether elected or appointed shall not have access to the current officials except as are allowed for other citizens.
Congresspersons, the President, the Vice President, all Cabinet Members, and the Head of any congressionally created Agency shall never become agents of a foreign government or foreign entity nor shall they represent any foreign government or foreign entity.
TOC Top Intro Reason for Amendments
Reason for Citizen Amendment 7
The purpose of voting in our Republic is to elect people who will represent our point of view. The Electoral College must be maintained for selection of the President and Vice-President. It only comes into play in close elections. Consider what would happen in a close election where the votes of all the people in all the states were brought into question and recounted and recounted and recounted. The problem is that most states cast all their Electoral Votes for the winner of the State even if the winner only won 51% of the Congressional Districts.
Citizen Amendment 7 – Elected and Appointed Officials
When a candidate files to run for an office they shall, at that time, make available to the public all arrests, convictions, and outstanding warrants. Anyone who is appointed to an office shall make the same disclosures.
All Elected and Appointed officials shall be subservient to the voters and shall represent their constituents and no one else. The constituents shall be represented before any political party concerns or desires. The congress and state legislatures shall be composed of representatives of the people and not representatives of a political party.
All States shall allow write-in voting for Federal and State Offices.
The people shall be allowed to cast a vote for a President and another vote for a Vice-President.

If a person qualifies for the office of President or Vice-President in one of the States then those names shall appear on the Ballots of all the other states. The Winner of a Congressional District shall receive one Electoral Count. The Total Congressional District Electoral Counts (TCDEC) of all the States shall be used to select the President and the Vice-President. The one receiving the most TCDEC will be the winner. If the TCDEC results in a tie, then the Electoral Count shall also include 1 Electoral Count for the winner of the most Congressional Districts within each States. If this results in ties within a State, then 1 Electoral Count will be awarded to each of the tied Candidates. If there is still a tie, then Congress shall determine the winner based on the Total Count of the States Certified Popular Vote Count (SCPVC).

All elected offices (Federal and State) shall have a vote for “Someone Else”. If someone else gets the most votes, than the other candidates will be eliminated and a new election will be held with other candidates. The State procedures for replacing a Congressperson will be followed if a new election cannot be held before the services of the vacant office are required. If necessary, a temporary President and Vice-President shall be selected by the various States using the original Amendment XII of the Constitution.
All elected officials (Federal and State) shall have only earned income from their government office wages during their term in office. All their (Federal only) other sources of income shall be controlled by blind trusts. No elected or appointed official shall accept remunerations from any other source.
All elected and appointed officials shall list daily in the public record all people with which they have had contact. It shall be posted on the Internet. Immediate family members are excluded, but if they hold a position within a company or the government it must be noted in the public record at the time of taking office and whenever there is a change.
All elected and appointed official’s trips shall be listed in the public record and posted on the Internet. It shall include the reason for the trip, its cost, and who paid for it.
A person is guilty of Elected or Appointed Official tampering if the intent is to influence an Official's vote, opinion, decision, or other official action expected of the Elected Official, if they attempt to communicate directly or indirectly with an Elected Official other than as a constituent or as a representative of the constituents. Before any communication takes place, the person shall present a list of the Names and Addresses that E (He/She) is representing. Elected Official tampering is a felony and shall be grounds for charges of Treason. Any Elected Official that communicates with an unauthorized representative will be barred from all government offices for life. Any communications with non-constituents shall be done in open meetings. This does not apply to an Elected Official’s contact with other Elected or Appointed Officials. The representative of the constituents shall be a citizen and resident of the same state as that of the constituents being represented.
Only registered eligible voters (constituents) shall make financial contributions or provide aid in obtaining financial contributions for Political Candidates for which they can vote. The States shall have the right to place limits on these contributions and expenditures as long as all candidates for the same office are treated the same.
Citizens whose wages and benefits depend on taxpayer funding shall NOT advocate for or against bills or ballot items in which they may have a vested interest.
Any advertising which makes statements about any of the candidates for an office shall also contain statements by all other candidates for that office.
Citizens living in the District of Columbia shall be treated as citizens of the State or States which provide the land.
Citizens in any service for the government shall be treated as residents of the state they lived in before the government service begin unless it is a permanent job.
There shall be a paper trail at the time a vote is cast and it shall be verifiable by the voter at that time. All voting machines shall be maintained in proper working order.
Voting is a private matter and Exit polling shall be illegal and punishable by not less than one year in prison.
Election result forecasts before everyone has voted, affect the vote of people who have not yet voted, and are therefore illegal and punishable by not less than one year in prison for each and every person involved in making these forecasts. Forecasts shall be allowed only after ALL polls have been closed for at least four hours.
Any Seniority Rules imposed by Congress shall start new each time the Congressperson is elected or re-elected.
People representatives at the National, State, and Local level shall not be sued for carrying out the will of the people or voting according to statements made during a campaign for election or re-election even if the representative votes against a proposal or contract for no other reason. 

All candidates for the office of President shall have at least two debates. All candidates for the office of Vice-President shall have at least one debate. These shall be debates and not question and answer sessions. The League of Women Voters shall be in charge of the debates for the first 2 election years. Two years after the 2nd election year debates and every 4 years thereafter, the Governors of the states shall evaluate the quality of the debates and at that time shall either approve the League of Women Voters for the next Presidential and Vice-Presidential debates or select some other organization. The organization shall be the same for the Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates.

TOC Top Intro Reason for Amendments
Reason for Citizen Amendment 8
Congress passes bills without knowing what is in them. Bills also contain unrelated items.
Citizen Amendment 8 – Bill Requirements
Congress shall not vote on a Bill for final passage until five days have elapsed after the bill is in its final form. Any changes will result in another five day waiting period. Saturday and Sunday shall be excluded from the waiting period. The Bill shall be posted on the Internet on the First day it is in its final form.
All bills shall contain only one Line Item.
All bills shall have a table of contents which includes who introduced the bill and who added an Item and what Item they added. The date and time of each change shall be noted in the bill. The bills shall also list who voted for, who voted against, and abstentions. These shall be listed in the public record along with the reasons for the votes or abstentions.
There shall be separate bills for domestic and foreign issues.
There shall be full accounting of all funds. This shall be in the Public record and shall be posted on the Internet.
Congress shall provide full funding for all laws, rules, and regulations created by Congress or any Agency that it has created or for which it has responsibility. Current laws, rules, or regulations which do not provide full funding by Congress shall not be enforced.
Congress shall make No “If you do this” funding except for that which specifically affects interstate commerce.
Congress shall make no mandates to the states except those necessary for regulating necessary activities between the various states.
Foreign aid and all other funds spent in a foreign country or territory shall be listed by each country or territory and shall list the need and allowable uses for the funding. There shall also be full accounting of this money and/or equipment. In addition, all funds spent by the country receiving United States funding shall be audited to verify how it spent its own money. These audits shall be available on a publicly accessible WEB Site.
Neither the Filibuster nor any other means shall be used to prevent a vote in the Senate or the House of Representatives.
The President can add comments when a bill is signed into law, but it shall not affect the interpretation or meaning of the law.
Presidential Executive Orders shall only be used to carry out what Congress has authorized.
All Previous Executive Orders which did not have the authorization of Congress shall be null and void unless authorized by Congress within one year.
TOC Top Intro Reason for Amendments
Reason for Citizen Amendment 9
Information is being added to the Congressional Record which in fact is not a part of the Congressional Record.
Citizen Amendment 9 – Congressional Record
The Congressional Record shall be used only for Congressional Records. All other records shall be expunged and put into a Congressional Memos book.
TOC Top Intro Reason for Amendments
Reason for Citizen Amendment 10
Congress has shown that it is unable to control its wages and benefits.
Citizen Amendment 10 – Congressional Remuneration
Congressional, Judicial, and Executive remuneration shall be set by the legislatures of the various states. There shall be no compensation or benefits other than wages. If the remunerations set by the various states are not the same, then a simple arithmetic average of the amounts set by each state shall be used. Congress shall continue to control the appropriations for office expenses and other employee wages, but any such expenses shall not be diverted to remuneration. Any excess office expense will be returned to the United States Treasury. The Federal government shall only provide Social Security benefits to its employees.
TOC Top Intro Reason for Amendments
Reason for Citizen Amendment 11
The States have failed to exercise their right to amend the United States Constitution as needed to ensure that their citizens are being represented. Congress does not seem to be able to police itself.
Citizen Amendment 11 – State Responsibilities
The Governors shall meet once a year to evaluate the Federal Government and propose constitutional amendments to be presented to their legislatures or conventions or the voters for approval or rejection. At this meeting they shall evaluate Federal Government pay for which they have responsibility.
Each State shall investigate all complaints against its Congresspersons. Violations shall be grounds for a recall election.
The states shall be allowed to control campaign contributions and campaign expenditures, but all candidates for the same office shall be treated equally.
TOC Top Intro Reason for Amendments
Reason for Citizen Amendment 12
Congress has shown that it is unable to balance the budget.
Citizen Amendment 12 – Balanced Budget
Congress shall not appropriate more money for the next Fiscal year than was collected in the previous Fiscal year unless approved on a yearly basis by a three-fourths vote of need in both houses of Congress. The collected money shall not include Social Security taxes or any other pension.
TOC Top Intro Reason for Amendments
Reason for Citizen Amendment 13
The collection of taxes on Income is being used to affect people’s actions. The tax should only be used as a source of income to the government and not as a means to affect people’s action. Why should a person get to deduct property taxes if they own a house, but the person renting and paying the taxes indirectly, does not get to deduct the property taxes. The same is true with Interest on a home loan. Why should the government select what doctor bills or gifts to charity will be deductible?
Sometimes a person has a large income in one year, but no income, or even a loss in other years. There should be a way to average this income. Taxes are added to various services and are even increased or added by government agencies.
Citizen Amendment 13 – Taxes
The Income Tax shall not be used to control the people’s or a company’s behavior. There shall be a large up front deduction which can be spent by the company or people as needed or desired and then the remaining net income shall be taxed.
The yearly Individual Income Tax shall be based on the simple arithmetic average of the net income from the current year and the previous four years.
All companies and business shall pay an excess profits tax which shall be applied to all profits over 10% and shall be an additional tax. The excess profits tax rate shall be calculated by taking the actual percentage profit minus 10% and multiplying the result by 0.5.
There shall be no Estate Taxes, but the Estate distribution shall be treated as income by the person(s) receiving any of the Estate.
There shall be no negative Income Tax.
There shall be no taxes or fees on goods and services except for imports.
The United States Government shall not collect more than one tax plus current pension taxes such as Social Security from its citizens. This does not apply to companies.
TOC Top Intro Reason for Amendments
Reason for Citizen Amendment 14
Government agencies make rules which have the effect of law, but could be harmful to your health. Are the people who said that the blood supply did not need to be tested for aids, the same people who say that beef does not need to be tested for BSE? The wind blows genetically engineered food from farm to farm.
Citizen Amendment 14 – Government Agencies
No Federal agency shall be allowed to prevent the testing of any food or food product for possible diseases or hazards.
Foods labels shall be truthful. Quantities of any substance below a level shall be stated as less than some amount instead of being listed as zero.
Food products shall list all supplements and hormones that were used to create it or make it grow faster. If any genetically engineered products were used they shall be listed. All food products including Beef shall list the country of origin. All beef shall be tested for BSE. This shall be done by other than the USDA, since they have a vested interest in not finding any BSE contaminated beef.
Manufacturers of Genetically Engineered products shall control them and shall not accuse people of stealing them until the manufacturer has first proven that no pollen could have entered another field by some other means.
Any rules made by a government agency shall not go into effect until approved by Congress. If both houses of Congress do not approve of the rule within 30 calendar days after the rule has been issued, the rule becomes Null and Void and shall not be considered again for two years.
All Agencies including the Postal Service shall be audited at least every five years to verify that they are following rules and spending their funds properly. If any irregularities are discovered, the audits shall be conducted every year until all irregularities have been resolved.
All Agencies created by Congress shall expire after 25 years unless reauthorized by a vote of Congress.
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Reason for Citizen Amendment 15
We claim to be a Nation of laws, but there is no justice when they are not enforced equally.
When John Reed and Sandy Weill announced on television that Travelers and Citibank were going to merge even though they knew it was illegal, the Federal Reserve said they would be given up to 2 years to get congress to change the law so they would not be in violation. Illegal activity by this new entity called Citicorp was partially responsible for the Enron Default. John Reed was later rewarded by being made chairman of the New York Stock Exchange to help boost investor confidence in the Stock Market.
Sandy Burger Smuggles classified documents from the National Archives and is only fined $50,000.
People are given Presidential Pardons for no obvious reason.
Citizen Amendment 15 – Equal Justice under the Law
People who steal government documents which are and need to be classified or lie under oath shall serve prison time.
Any company official that announces that they are going to violate the law shall be fined and put in prison.
Presidential Pardons shall not be given within the last six-months of a Presidential term. The crimes being forgiven and the reasons for the pardon shall be a part of the public record. A two-thirds vote against a pardon by both houses of Congress within six months of the pardon shall void the pardon. A three-fourths vote against a pardon by either house of Congress within six months of the pardon shall void the pardon.
Court Records after a trial shall not be sealed except under the order of a higher court and then only if it is required to protect the life of someone. A strict time limit shall be imposed on how long the records will be sealed. The reason for the sealing of the records shall be a part of the public record.
TOC Top Intro Reason for Amendments
Reason for Citizen Amendment 16
Currently some people and companies are being tried in a State or Federal court and if the case is lost, then it is retried in the other court.
Citizen Amendment 16 – Double Jeopardy
A person or company that has been tried for a crime in a Federal or State Court shall not be tried in any other court for that same crime unless it is an International Crime.
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Reason for Citizen Amendment 17
Property Rights have been reduced.
Citizen Amendment 17 – Property Rights
No properties shall be taken from the people for any reason without a three-fourth vote of approval of need by both houses of Congress for Federal usage or a three-fourth vote of approval of a States legislative body or bodies for State usage. No other entity shall be allowed to take peoples property.
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Reason for Citizen Amendment 18
The electromagnetic spectrum is a limited resource and as such must remain under the control of the people.
Water is a limited resource and as such must remain under the control of the people.
Minerals were not always included in the homesteaded land.
Citizen Amendment 18 – Limited Resources
The electromagnetic spectrum shall remain under the ownership of the people. Any of the electromagnetic spectrum which has already been sold will be converted to a 25 year lease. These leases shall be re-bid every 25 years.
The water supply is a limited resource and shall remain under the ownership of the people. The land holders shall have the rights to all water on their land and in the aquifers beneath the land. An exception is where the land is part of a City or Municipality. In these cases the City or Municipality can control, but not own the water rights. All Lakes, Rivers, Streams, Dams, Etc. shall remain under the ownership of the Federal or State government unless they were built with a permit.
The extraction of mineral on any land shall not damage the surface soil if the mineral rights and the land rights are not the same owner. The acquifers shall never be damaged by mineral extraction.
All land rented or leased by the Federal Government shall be rented or leased at or above market value.
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Reason for Citizen Amendment 19
There is no reason to restrict people from recording conversions.
The government should have nothing to hide and its employees are working for us, therefore we have every right to know what the government is doing for us.
Citizen Amendment 19 – Freedom of Information
Audio recordings shall NOT be illegal for individuals. Any individual paying for a phone service shall have the right to record all incoming and outgoing calls. This information can be used in a court of law to convict people who make misrepresentations or harassing calls. Law enforcement shall still be required to get a court order to have access to these records if the individual who pays for the phone service does not wish to give them up. These rights do not apply to companies.
There shall be a “You-Can-Contact-Me” list. Companies and Business shall NOT be allowed to call, send unsolicited Postal mail, or unsolicited Email to Citizens unless they have added their name to the “You-Can-Contact-Me” list. The resolution of complaints shall be published on the Internet and shall include the name of the offending company or business. The “You-Can-Contact-Me” list shall not apply to local Charities, Government Agencies, Emergencies, anything concerning Health and Safety, or a business which has a valid business need for the contact.
All Non-Individual government records shall be available to the people. Documents that are truly required to be classified shall be exempt from this. Anyone who classifies documents incorrectly shall be guilty of a High Crime or a Misdemeanor, depending on the reason or reasons for the misclassification.
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Reason for Citizen Amendment 20
Currently when people state their opinions, they are subject to lawsuits. This is claimed to be necessary to protect the apple, beef, and etc. industries.
Citizen Amendment 20 – Freedom of Speech
All Lawsuits which claim damages because of a statement a person makes shall be illegal unless the statement can be clearly proven to have been made with malice intent.
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Reason for Citizen Amendment 21
Currently the government spends money on Health and Welfare for Citizens of other countries with no remunerations for these services. Insurance companies that are intended to replace Medicare/Medicaid restrict the drugs that they cover. If we are such a rich Nation, why do we have such a large debt?
Citizen Amendment 21 – Health and Welfare
Social Services, including Health Care, shall only be provided to Citizens of the United States. In an emergency, other people will be cared for, but a bill for the services shall be presented to the government of the person receiving the service.
The government shall at most only provide funding for essential health care.
Insurance companies shall base there rates on all the citizens in a community. Special rates shall not be made for businesses.
Any Insurance plan that is to be used as a replacement for Medicare/Medicaid shall include all medicines that a doctor may prescribe. Any changes made to these Insurance plans, except for the addition of medicines, shall only be applied during the enrollment period.
People who pay their bills in cash or by credit card within 30 days of service shall receive the lowest rate offered to any insurance company.
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Reason for Citizen Amendment 22
If we the people are to remain a free people, the Media must remain under our control. Just like the government is required to have multiple independent branches to provide Checks and Balances to protect the citizens, the same is true for keeping the different media independent.
Citizen Amendment 22 – Media
The ownership of the Media shall be dispersed so that it represents the needs and interests of each community.
There shall be no overlap in media ownership. If you own a Radio Station you shall not own Television Stations or Printed News Media. Like wise if you own a Television Station you shall not own Radio Stations or Printed News Media and if you own a Printed News Media you shall not own a Radio Station or Television Station.
The owners of Radio and TV stations shall be United States Citizens and be residents of the state where the station is located or shall have an independent board of directors who are residents of the state where the station is located.
No media shall be used to promote the benefits or use of a particular drug. The doctors and pharmacists are trained to provide this service.
Children’s program times shall not have ads which are not for children and shall not have ads which promote the buying of anything.
Cable TV shall allow the subscriber the right to purchase only the channels the subscriber wants. The cost of one channel shall not be used to subsidize the cost of another channel. A basic minimum charge shall be allowed, but it shall not be used to subsidize the cost of any of the channels.
News articles shall list all the citizenships of the person who wrote the article.
There shall be no fees or restrictions on Internet usage, but content including Email shall have a descriptor which indicates its content. There shall be NO government (Federal, State, or Local) policies which favor or inhibit any one competitor in any Internet industry. The Internet network shall not discriminate among different types of traffic based on the traffic’s source, destination, or content.
Congress shall immediately setup and fund a Television network which provides International news broadcasts. These broadcasts shall not be censored and its content shall be provided in English by each country. In places where the people do not live in a country, they shall also be allowed a news broadcast. Each country or peoples shall be allowed one-half hour to present the news as they see it. The day-of-week and the hour-of-the-day shall be on a rotating basis so that each country or peoples will provide their news at different times of the day and week. No country or peoples shall have more than one allotted time in each rotation. The United Nations shall be allotted one time slot. The United Nations will determine the initial countries and people who qualify. The order of rotation will be in English Alphabetic ascending order.
Congress shall fund at least 85% of the cost of Public Radio and Television to eliminate the influence of business sponsors. The content shall be regulated by the Citizens of each service area. If there is a dispute on content, a vote of the subscribers in each service area shall be used to resolve the dispute. There shall only be one vote per subscriber. Federal, State, and Local government candidates shall be allotted equal time by each Public Station for stating their message or for debates. No other government funding shall be provided to candidates for any office.
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Reason for Citizen Amendment 23
The purpose of Copyrights and Patents is to create a TEMPORARY monopoly to award creative people. Copyrights and Patents could be excessive and thus stifle the creativity and innovation that they were intended to encourage. Some companies go so far as to require that CD/DVD players from one country will not play CDs/DVDs from another country. Some companies have even illegally installed software on people’s computers to control its ability to play CDs. People should not be treated as criminals unless they have been convicted under the law.
Citizen Amendment 23 – Copyrights and Patents
There shall be an easing of the restrictions on Copyrights and Patents unless it can be shown that this would stifle individual creativity or innovation. Copyright and Patent Monopolies shall be limited to a reasonable time or compensation.
There shall be no limitations or restrictions built into home consumer equipment because someone may use it illegally.
Life Forms shall not be Copyrightable or Patentable.
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Reason for Citizen Amendment 24
Alan Greenspan has stated that some Banks are too large to allow them to fail, but Congress has taken no action to split them up as is done with other companies. A large Bank Failure will surely cause more harm to the people than being overcharged for a consumer product.
The Government guarantees loans made by Financial Institutions. If these loans are too risky for the Financial Institutions, they are also too risky for the taxpayer.
The Government guarantees insurance in cases which the Financial Institutions consider too risky. If this insurance is too risky for the Financial Institutions, it is too risky for the taxpayer.
Currently company earnings are announced after trading hours. This makes it difficult for the small investor to make additional profits or limit loses as the large investment firms are able to do.
Citizen Amendment 24 – Financial Institutions
Any Insurance company, Investment bank, or Commercial bank that is "Too Large to allow it to Fail" shall be split into smaller companies.
Commercial Banks, Investment Banks, and Insurance Companies shall always remain separate and shall not be owned by the same holding company.
Hedge Funds shall have the same reporting requirements as other funds.
Money which is borrowed from the Federal Reserve at the discount rate shall only be used for reserve adjustment purposes.
The United States Government shall not guarantee any loans made by Financial Institutions.
The United States Government shall not provide insurance on which it loses money.
All Credit Records of Citizens which are maintained by any company shall be frozen unless written permission is given to do otherwise.
It shall be illegal to collect, or attempt to collect, bad debt which has been forgiven or has exceeded the Statue of Limitations. Any companies that have engaged in or aided in this practice shall be prosecuted and the victims of these crimes shall be compensated. All data concerning these debts shall be expunged from the victim’s credit records.
It shall be illegal for any company to change an interest rate based on the default or late payment of some other debt. The interest rate on any outstanding Credit Card balance shall not be changed for any reason. Any statements to the contrary which are included in a current contract shall be null and void.
All Credit Card contracts shall use type no smaller than number 9 Arial or Courier and the contract shall fit on no more than 2 pages of 8.5 by 11 papers. It shall not require a lawyer to interpret it.
All payments on line shall have a Login/Logout (Signin/Signout) which only allows payments and account viewing.
All companies shall announce earnings within two hours after the opening Bell.
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Reason for Citizen Amendment 25
Currently the Government does No-Bid contracts for emergencies and these may be necessary, but the companies in these emergencies need to show some patriotism.
Citizen Amendment 25 – No-Bid Contracts
All No-Bid contracts shall be done at cost + $1.00. For No-Bid contracts, the highest wage paid including benefits shall not exceed 10 times the minimum wage. This includes the contractors and any sub-contractors.
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Reason for Citizen Amendment 26
Currently the government and companies collect and disseminate information about the people. The people need to have the right to control access to their private information even if it is needed for various reasons by the businesses with which they do business.
Citizen Amendment 26 – Privacy
No Personal records of any kind shall be given to foreign workers for processing. Companies which process tax returns shall keep all the information confidential and shall not use it for any reason except for the filing of the tax.
No Personal records held by a company shall be given to anyone without the written consent of the person involved or their authorized representative. Everyone’s status shall be changed to Opted-Out unless the company has records on file which state otherwise.
The information collected during the Census taking shall be limited to that required for allocating districts for voting purposes or Congressional Representation and for obtaining a count of the population and its ages. Only United States Citizens shall be used for allocating districts. Only the actual census counts shall be used for the allocation of voting districts or Congressional Representation.
It shall be illegal for any company or person to collect information about people or how people use their Internet site unless they inform the customer that data is being collected and what data is being collected.
A search warrant shall be required before any information or records can be obtained about a United States Citizen. This shall include, but are not limited to, Phone Calls, Conversations, Medical Records, and Library Records.
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Reason for Citizen Amendment 27
Currently businesses are allowed go through bankruptcy and turn their pension debt over to the United States Taxpayer while the banks and lawyers receive their money and costs.
The governments of the people have voted themselves pensions at the taxpayer’s expense.
Citizen Amendment 27 – Pensions
When companies go through bankruptcy or are liquidated, all pension plan funding shall be paid first. Any company that recovers from bankruptcy shall pay any unpaid pensions. If any pension plan is under funded at the time of bankruptcy or liquidation, the available funds shall provide full funding starting with the lowest paid employee until the funds are exhausted. None of the money shall be used to pay legal expenses.
No Federal, State, or Local government shall provide pensions to Elected Officials or employees other than Social Security.
All government pension plans (Federal, State, and Local) other than Social Security shall be frozen as soon as this amendment is passed. They shall be converted to 401K plans under the control of the State or local government, but the Employees shall be allowed to take control of their plans if they wish. If any plan is under funded, the available funds shall provide full funding starting with the lowest paid employee until the funds are exhausted. None of the funds money shall be used to pay legal expenses.
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Reason for Citizen Amendment 28
There needs to be an official language of the Government and the Nation. We need to know what the meaning of is is.
Citizen Amendment 28 – Official Language
English shall be the official language of the United States. All government business will be conducted in this language. States that deem it necessary for educating voters shall for election purposes print information in other languages.
The basic subjects taught in school shall be in English.
The Supreme Court shall be responsible for creating and maintaining a dictionary of the legal meaning of all the words and word sequences being used in laws and regulations. Once a word or sequence of words is defined for legal purposed, it shall not be changed.
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Reason for Citizen Amendment 29
Currently there are lawsuits where the person should accept responsibility for their actions, but sue instead and win. A person that orders coffee and spills it on themselves should have no right to sue because they think that the coffee is hotter than it should be. If a person spills something in a restaurant and then slips and falls as a result, they should have no right to sue the restaurant for damages.
Citizen Amendment 29 – People Responsibility
People shall take responsibility for themselves. It must be clearly shown that the person involved in an incident had no responsibility for its cause before a suit can be filed.
The deep pockets method shall NOT be used to obtain money from a company just because they provided a product to some other company and it was misused or burned due to some other incident.
Congress shall set strict limits on Lawyer fees for class action law suits.
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Reason for Citizen Amendment 30
During prohibition, criminal activity got out of hand and the mobsters made a lot of money. The same is true today with the illegalization of drugs. Drugs need to be legalized and controlled the same as alcohol and tobacco. The money saved from the reduced cost of law enforcement needs to be used to treat the addicts. Laws that can not be enforced are of no value to the public and can lead to other problems.
Citizen Amendment 30 – Drug Usage
All drug usage shall be legal. It shall be controlled the same as or similar to alcohol and tobacco regulations. The money saved in law enforcement costs shall first be used to treat the victims.
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Reason for Citizen Amendment 31
The United States Government thinks that the Palestine People do not have the right to bear arms in any attempts to reclaim their Land, their Homes, and their Livelihood. Will we be next?
Citizen Amendment 31 – Right to Bear Arms
Neither the United States Government nor any of the State or Local Governments shall restrict the right of any Citizen to bear arms unless that citizen has been convicted of a felony.
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Reason for Citizen Amendment 32
There is considerable debate over many issues which get involved with religion.
Citizen Amendment 32 – Religion
The word Marriage shall be reserved for use by the people as they see fit. The words “Civil Union” shall be used by the Federal, State, and Local Governments when referring to any unions between people. The term Marriage in any current Federal or State document shall mean Civil Union.
The Separation of Religion and State shall not be construed to mean that Religions cannot provide government funded services.
The people of each community, and not the Federal or State government, shall determine how they express themselves in public, on public property, or in public buildings as long as it does not violate local laws.
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Reason for Citizen Amendment 33
Sometimes the people of the states have opinions which differ from opinions of the elected officials.
Citizen Amendment 33 – State Initiatives
The people of the states shall have the right of Initiatives to the People and of Initiatives to the legislature.
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Reason for Citizen Amendment 34

The Founding Fathers created a Congress with a House of Representatives to represent the people and a Senate to represent the States, the States now have no representation in the Federal Government and they are being forced to bear burdens for which they have no representation, it is therefore necessary to restore the Senators as representatives of the States.

The 17th Amendment was added to the constitution in 1913, in 1917, which is the four years necessary for a majority of the Senators to no longer be representatives of the States, they voted for President Wilson to turn a European war into World War I by allowing him to declare war on Germany. This and the other Wars allowed by the Senate is more than enough justification to show the need for repealing the 17th Amendment.

Citizen Amendment 34 – Restore the US Senators to be Representatives of the States

This Amendment repeals the 17th Amendment to the United States Constitution and return the Senators to being representatives of the States.

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Reason for Citizen Amendment 35

The Founding Fathers created a Federal Government which was not allowed to levy an income tax on its Citizens.  In 1913, the 16th Amendment was added to the US Constitution. This allows the United States Congress to lay and collect taxes on income from all sources and distribute it however Congress desires. Congress has shown that they are not good stewards of our money. The National Debt was $12 per person in 1910 before the Income Tax amendment and on Feb 19, 2010 it was estimated to be $40,294 per person and is estimated to be increasing by more than $12 per day. Why are we sending our money to the US Government and allowing Congress to add strings to it and take out overhead in order for WE THE PEOPLE and the States to get our money back? Congress is NOT a good steward of our money and the need to repeal this amendment is obvious. It needs to be replaced with the requirement that the Federal government cannot spend more in one year than collected in the previous year and give the States the power to determine how much of it's Citizens wealth if any will be collected to provide for operation of the Federal Government.

Citizen Amendment 35 – Repeal the Income Tax Amendment

This Amendment repeals of the 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution, and replaces it with the requirement that the Federal Government cannot spend more in one year than collected in the previous year and gives the States the power to determine how much of it's Citizens wealth will be collected and provided for operation of the Federal Government.

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July 29, 2006 – Spelling, Punctuation, and Missing Word Corrections
August 24, 2011 – Updated Amendments 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 13, 16, 18, 19, 23, 27
August 24, 2011 – Added Amendments 34 and 35

Page Loads: Hit Counter     Last Edited: 09/02/2011 22:50:56     ©2006, 2007, 2010, 2011 Anton J Grambihler